
When Remy Munasifi posted first started posting his videos on YouTube in 2006, he would have been overjoyed to reach a dozen people.  Fifty million views later, the songs--and the fun--keep coming.  


Remy grew up on the rough streets of McLean, VA where, at an early age, he instinctively learned to dodge bullets. He attended Churchill Road Elementary school, where he majored in getting beaten up and minored in fingerpaints.  From there, it was off to Cooper Middle School. Remy's middle school days were much like his elementary school days, but without the fingerpaints.  Remy then attended Langley High School, where he wrote for the Saxon Scope newspaper and played on the tennis team. However, unlike the rest of the country, tennis was super cool at Langley, and Remy was in no way a loser. 


A graduate of Wheeling Jesuit University, Remy's work has been featured on CNN, Fox News, ABC News, NPR, PBS, MTV, VH1, Washington Post, New York Times, USA Today, National Journal and his parents' refrigerator.  His latest album, "The Falafel Album" is currently available on Comedy Central Records.


Remy currently resides in Arlington, VA.

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